Changes how colors are specified - using (Red, Green, Blue) or (Hue, Saturation, Brightness)
Last updated
Changes how colors are specified - using (Red, Green, Blue) or (Hue, Saturation, Brightness)
Last updated
RGB(Red/Green/Blue) or HSB(Hue/Saturation/Brightness)
maximum value for each color component
maximum value for red/hue component
maximum value for green/saturation component
maximum value for blue/brightness component
maximum value for alpha component
The colorMode()
function is used to set the range and mode for color values in a sketch. It determines how colors are represented and displayed in the canvas.
When the color mode is set to RGB, the maximum values for red, green, and blue are typically 255, which represents the maximum intensity of each color channel. When the color mode is set to HSB, the maximum values for hue, saturation, and brightness are typically 360, 100, and 100 respectively.
By default, the color mode is set to RGB with a maximum value of 255 for each color channel.
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