
Returns a value that varies back and forth between 2 given limits with time. The motion is wave-like, NOT linear.


def draw():
  y = wave(0,height,10)
def draw():
  y = wave(0,height,10)
  x = x + 1


wave(edge1, edge2, speed)


value for the start/first limit of the wave motion


value for the end/second limit of the wave motion


the speed of wave motion


The wave function provides a method for generating a value that changes over time in a sinusoidal (wave-like) manner between two specific values: edge1 and edge2.

edge1 and edge2 act as boundaries. edge1 is the lowest value that can be returned, and edge2 is the highest. The function will continuously generate a new value that lies somewhere between these two boundaries, following the pattern of a wave.

The rate at which this value changes follows a pendulum-like pattern and is controlled by the speed parameter. A higher speed will cause the wave to oscillate more rapidly between edge1 and edge2, while a lower speed will make the oscillation slower.

Unlike a function that changes values linearly, wave produces values in a smooth, cyclic pattern, similar to the rise and fall of waves on the ocean, or the swinging of a pendulum. This is especially useful for simulations, animations, or other dynamic processes where a smooth, natural, and periodic variation is needed.

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