Draws a polygon with any number of given vertices.
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Draws a polygon with any number of given vertices.
Last updated
starts the list of co-ordinates
contains any of POINTS, LINES, TRIANGLES, QUADS, TESS, see Description
The coordinates of the i-th vertex of the polygon
ends the list of co-ordinates
CLOSE or nothing
beginShape() and endShape() allow the drawing of shapes with many corners. After beginShape() is called, corners (vertices) should be listed, each on a separate line. After that, endShape() should be called to end the list. Corners are written in their x,y co-ordinates as vertex(x,y)
The inputs available for beginShape() are:
TESS Connects the edges and creates a closed region. This is the default behavior if nothing was given.
POINTS Draw a set of points
LINES Draw a set of unconnected line segments
TRIANGLES Draw a set of triangles
QUADS Draw a set of quadrilaterals
connects the last vertex to the first one
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