Loads a sound into the code's assets
Last updated
Loads a sound into the code's assets
Last updated
click the link below to play the sound.
web or local URL of sound to be loaded
name for variable of sound in code
Loads a sound into memory from an external source so that it can be used in code. The sourceURL can be a web address (for example "http://wow-121578.mp3") - this is the usual situation - or the local address if the file is stored with the rest of your code.
Once a sound is loaded (in the example below, using the variable 'NAME' in code), the following functions are available to call on the sound file:
starts playing the sound
stops playing the sound and resets it
stops playing the sound and pauses it
returns True
or False
depending on whether the sound is currently already playing
adjusts the volume of the sound. V is a decimal value between 0 and 1.
0 is no volume, 1 is maximum volume
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