Returns a value that varies back and forth between 2 given limits with time. The movement is linear.
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Returns a value that varies back and forth between 2 given limits with time. The movement is linear.
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value for the start/first limit of the motion
value for the end/second limit of the motion
the speed of motion
The bounce
function provides a method for generating a value that changes or "varies" over time between two specific values: edge1
and edge2
and edge2
act as boundaries. edge1
represents the smallest value that can be returned, and edge2
represents the largest. The function will consistently generate a new value that is somewhere between these two boundaries.
The rate at which this value changes is determined by the speed
parameter. A higher speed
will cause the value to change more rapidly between edge1
and edge2
, while a lower speed
will cause it to change more slowly.
This function is useful for cases where you need a value that continuously adjusts within a specific range, such as for animations, simulations, or other dynamic processes.
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